Thursday, April 22, 2010

What is Prejudice?

Have you have ever faced a situation where you were denied access to an opportunity everyone else shares, or been wrongly accused of some act or action, all due to the fact you look or appear different from the majority? This situation, as wrong as it may be, occurs all too often in society today. Millions of individuals are prevented from reaching out and grasping the necessities of life; food, shelter, education and health care. Even in advanced countries like the United States, these violations of basic human rights occur. Please do not, however, confuse prejudice and bias with being held accountable for one's actions. If you choose to act out, inappropriately, illegally or immorally and you are consequented fairly for your misdeeds, it is NOT bias or prejudice, it is a NATURAL consequence for your actions. Those people who choose to live on the fringe or the outer reaches of society: the criminal, the thoughtless, the sinners with out repent, they are receiving what society has deemed appropriate and logical.
Prejudice remember then, treats individuals unfairly, illogically and immorally.

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